10th Annual Montlake Yard Sale – this Sunday, Sep8, 9am-3pm!

Not-yet- registered SELLERS! It is still not too late to participate in the yard sale as a seller. Please register by tonight – Thursday, September 5 in the evening (by 11:30pm) to be included in our digital map. Please register here —>https://bit.ly/MontlakeYardSale.
Already-registered sellers – We have sent you an email with an instruction on a sign pick-up for individual seller on Sept 6 or Sept 7 and tips for the sale, etc. If you registered for the yard sale as a seller, but have not yet received the email from MCC, please let us know – montlake.community.club@gmail.com.
EVERYONE! Highly anticipated yard sale is upon us. This Sunday, September 8 between 9am and 3pm, enjoy strolling around Montlake neighborhood and visiting our 10th Annual Yard Sale locations. All of the registered locations will be on our digital map, which will be available from our map link 2024 Montlake Yard Sale Map** from the night before the event (9/7). Although our Yard sale is until 3pm, Mr. Johnson’s Antiques, which is located in the heart of Montlake business district, at 2315 24th Ave E, will remain open until 5pm.
If you have any questions on the day of the event, or you are interested in Montlake Gear, please stop by our table in front of Cafe Lago (at 24th E / E Lynn ) between 9am -2:45pm.
Any questions? Please contact MCC at montlake.community.club@gmail.com
**Please note the Map is not yet ready. Please check back on Saturday, Sept 7 the night before. Thank you for your patience.
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