Last week the City of Seattle Department of Construction and Inspection sent WSDOT a letter stating that WSDOT’s application for a noise variance during the Montlake Phase of SR 520 construction is “unacceptable and incomplete in its current form.” Because the city has rejected WSDOT’s initial application, the next step is for WSDOT to prepare a response to the letter.
The city noted that the application does not “substantively address how complying with the standards would ‘render the project economically…unreasonable’” and that “the initial application does not identify specific noise impact mitigation.”
View the compete letter from the city to WSDOT (pdf) here.
The Montlake Community Club was one of several neighborhood groups to write in opposition to the ordinance.
A big thank you to the many Montlake residents and our surrounding neighbors who attended meetings, made phone calls, and wrote letters to oppose the variance.
James Kraft says
Is the 80 decibels an hourly average or the upper limit for any spikes in noise? I note that airplanes flying over the city register at 70 decibels and you can’t even hear a radio. Background noise is about 40 decibels….