Tomorrow, Sunday, September 8 between 9am and 3pm- come and enjoy strolling around Montlake neighborhood, visiting highly anticipated 10th Annual Montlake Yard Sale, with over 75 locations. Mr. Johnson’s Antiques, at 2315 24th Ave E, will remain open until 5pm.
The digital map of all of the locations are available from the link and the QR code below. (if you have a problem opening it, try using a different browser. The map is working.)
If you need help with this map, if you are interested in getting involved in Montlake Community Club (MCC) activities, or if you would like to find out about Montlake Gear, please stop by our table in front of Cafe Lago at 2305 24th Ave E (24th Ave E and E Lynn) between 9am and 2:45pm.
Wishing everyone a great yard sale experience!
Participating registered sellers: (1) Make sure to pick up or print / create a seller sign (as directed in the emails from MCC) to put in your yard. (2) Please take a look at the digital map from the link above and make sure that you are on it. (3) Enjoy being a seller!
Please NOTE: Our registration closed on Thursday, September 5 at 11:30pm. A new seller won’t be added to our map – thank you for your understanding.
Contact MCC at if you have questions.