The Boyer Children’s Clinic has invited the Montlake Community Club Board of Trustees to use the Clinic’s board room for the MCC’s monthly meetings. The Community Club board meetings have been held at board members’ homes for the last 4 years. The meetings were moved from the Community Center at the Montlake Park to save money on rental fees and because the center closes at 9:00pm and the staff would not allow the board to meet beyond that closing time.
The Boyer Clinic has a spacious room where their board of directors meets on the garage level of the building. There is plenty of room for all 13 members of the MCC board to be seated at tables. There’s also plenty of room for any visitors who may want to attend a board meeting. The MCC board meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm September-June.
In trade for this service, the Community Club will assist the Clinic in publicizing their programs and services to the neighborhood on the website. This will include their preschool program for normally developing children who attend programs with disabled children to provide peer models. The website will also announce fund raising events such as their annual auction so that Montlake area residents can be informed about the clinic and offer support. Visit the clinic’s website to learn more about the scope of their services to children and parents.
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