Calling all Montlake residents: please complete a short survey from WSDOT about the SR520 Traffic Management Plan. If you could not attend the meeting on March 22 (or even if you did), now is the time to have your voice heard on traffic issues in our neighborhood. The survey is tailored specifically to Montlake and is your chance to give feedback on what you would like to see change as 520 construction moves forward. Comments are due April 4. A reminder that WSDOT still intends to take the Montlake Blvd Market and gas station properties. If you want to keep those businesses in our neighborhood, please express your support for them in the write-in section of the survey. Tell WSDOT they are an important part of our community. The survey is online here.
Background information and materials WSDOT presented on March 22 are posted here.
John Griffith says
I sincerely hope that the Montlake Boulevard Market and service station can be preserved..