Montlake Yard Sale #5, organized by the Montlake Community Club, occurred September 23. We had perfect Fall weather for the 90+ registered yard sale sites. Shoppers came from near and far, navigating with their smart phones or downloaded lists and map.
Neighbors were seen interacting with other neighbors, buying and selling goods, having fun and making some money along the way. One neighbor was able to send $300 to the Red Cross. Our household sent $300 to Charlie’s Fund (for muscular dystrophy research). Don’t forget, you can still make tax deductible donations to the Montlake Community Club, to cover the costs to the sale.
Seattle, WA 98105
OR click the DONATE button on the right hand side of this page.
This is the first year we held the yard sale during the Greek Festival weekend, avoiding Husky football home games and Yom Kippur. I spoke to approximately 10 sites within close proximity to the Festival. Eight of these sites reported no negative impact, a couple sites reported improved yard sale traffic. Two other sites reported decreased shopper traffic and parking difficulties. A Greek Festival organizer stated no negative impact from the yard sale. The take home message – we may OR may not schedule the sale on Greek Festival Weekend again.
If you want the yard sale to continue, the Montlake Community Club will need your help. Stay tuned.
-Lori Sabado
MCC Trustee & Yard Sale Organizer
Jean Leed says
We could avoid nearly all of these conflicts with other events if we shifted the Yard Sale to May. Why not try that?
Mary Davis says
I would ask that it not be scheduled on the same weekend as the Greek Festival. People picking up items could not park their cars on Boyer. The traffic is bad enough without making it worse.