Bread Salon : Small Business Bakers panel, October 3rd 6-8pm | $25, Oxbow Montlake
Have you ever dreamt of leaving your office job and opening a made-from-scratch cake shop? Are you a serious home baker thinking about cramming some ovens into your garage and selling bread at the local farmer’s market? Have you been working in restaurants or bakeries for years with the hope of someday opening your own business? Girl, we’ve been there.
Come and join us to hear a panel of Seattle bakers discuss their business’s origins, how they manage their day-to-day operations, and their creative processes. Topics to include: scaling up recipes and operations, equipment, business philosophy, and work-life balance.
Featuring panelists
Rachel Coyle – Coyle’s Bakeshop
Christina Wood – Temple Pastries
Charlie Dunmire – Deep Sea Sugar and Salt
Kit & Jesse Schumann – Sea Wolf / Oxbow
Ben Campbell – Ben’s Bread

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