On Wednesday December 7th from 5:30 to 6:30 pm at the Graham Visitors Center (2300 Arboretum Drive East), the Washington State Dept of Transportation will hold another public meeting to discuss the “Montlake Phase” of the 520 bridge construction which is expected to begin in 2018. Topics will include the West Approach Bridge North (WABN), the West Approach Bridge South (WABS), the Montlake lid and land bridge, and a Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan. I urge all concerned residents to turn out for this meeting because we are running out of time to have an impact on the design of this project. WSDOT also indicates they still plan on taking the Montlake Blvd Market and 76 gas station through purchase or by eminent domain so please speak up and let them know this is unacceptable and alternatives to this plan must be part of the discussion. Let’s keep up the fight and I hope to see you there!
-Bryan Haworth, Montlake Community Club President