Seattle Firefighters will blaze through the Montlake Branch Library’s 11am storytime tomorrow, reading “No Dragons for Tea” to little kids in an effort to promote literacy and home safety awareness. From SFD:
The Seattle Fire Department is partnering with the Seattle Public Library for a reading program aimed at increasing literacy, and raising awareness of home fire safety. The Firefighter Story Times at the Seattle Public Library is part of October’s Fire Prevention Month. Seattle Firefighters will read No Dragons for Tea to dozens of preschool children at the Seattle Public Library branches across the city. The Firefighters will be driving home important safety messages including “Firefighters are your friend”, “Crawl low under smoke” and “Get out and stay out”.
For more than a decade, Seattle Firefighters have volunteered for literacy events at various Seattle Public Library’s and Seattle Public Schools. The Firefighter Story Times are part of a month long push to educate the young people of the city and their families on fire safety tips. Preschool children are especially vulnerable to fire and burn injuries. During the month of October, Seattle Firefighters are reading to preschoolers at 10 different libraries throughout the city.