The 2020 Montlake Turkey Trot is in the books and once again, the community did not disappoint! Despite having only 390 virtual race participants, down from 1,500 in 2019, we still managed to raise ~$23,000 for the University District Food Bank! This is short of last year’s total of $39,000, but thanks to a large increase in extra donations, the amount raised per participant is far greater than 2019. For the first time ever, we hit our $10,000 donation goal! This was made possible for racers donating on top of their race fees as well as ~35 additional folks that just donated without signing up for the run. Thank you so much for your generosity. And it’s not too late to add more if you are feeling inclined. The donation link will stay live through Monday.
If you participated in the race, please upload your results and photos. Not many have shared yet, but it has been fun to see those that have. A Montlake family that is currently living abroad even posted their Turkey Trot photos! So fun!!
Last, but certainly not least, we are very grateful to our sponsors. New Turkey Trot sponsors include our only Signature Sponsor, Windermere Real Estate Midtown as well as Premium Sponsors Mangum Fitness, Hilleberg the Tentmaker, and Diane Terry. Burb’s Burgers sponsored at the Turkey Trotter level and was generous enough to give all participants free French fries with purchase! If you haven’t tried Burb’s yet- don’t delay! Favorites include delicious clam chowder, classic burgers, and a chicken sandwich that hits the spot. They are located in the Southwest corner of the old Montlake Market parking lot next to the holiday tree lot. Returning sponsors include Premium sponsor Graham Construction and Turkey Trotter Homelight. Glam and Tonics and Cafe Lago, continued their 5 years of support by donating products and services. Unfortunately, in our virtual format we were unable to make use of these donations, but we are so grateful for their continued and generous support. Please patronize these local businesses, they are struggling and need the community more than ever!
We hope the rest of 2020 brings you good health and that you find creative ways to enjoy whatever holiday traditions you celebrate. Most of all, we hope to see each and every one of you in person next year at the 2021 Montlake Turkey Trot!