2223 24th Ave E
Seattle, WA 98112
You are invited to join Montlake Bike Shop owner, Neil Wechsler for a casual bike ride down along Lake Washington to Seward Park and back. Parts of the ride are hilly, but the pace will be easy. No one will be left behind. The start and the finish will be at Montlake Bicycle Shop.
Everyone is welcome, on any bike that works. Neil will be at the store by 8:30 so if anyone needs a little help with their bicycle come early and he will do what he can for you. If you know someone who would like to come along but doesn’t have a bike to ride, give us a call. We might have one they can borrow.
During the ride please feel free to ask any questions about bicycles, bicycle riding, bicycle fitting, or anything else. Neil is eager to answer you questions.
Please call or text Neil if you have any questions, or want to RSVP. (206) 271-7047
“I hope to see you on the 5th!” – Neil Wechsler
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