Young eagles in the nest are one of the most inspiring and hopeful moments in life. For more visit:
Have great day on Union Bay…where Eagles live in the city and Black Birders are welcome!
Young eagles in the nest are one of the most inspiring and hopeful moments in life. For more visit:
Have great day on Union Bay…where Eagles live in the city and Black Birders are welcome!
Have you been looking for new eaglets in Monty and Marsha’s nest above Montlake Cut? There is encouraging news in this week’s post on:
Have a healthy day on Union Bay…where nature lives in the city!
On the other hand, we earth-bound creatures must peer through the leaves and the shadows and take our best guess concerning the number of eaglets in the nest. (Luckily, it is a short walk to Montlake Cut.) Learn more in this week’s post on:
Have a great day on Union Bay…where nature lives in the city!
One of these young eagles has fallen and is no longer in the Montlake nest. The latest news I have is at:
Thank you for your concern.
Have a great day on Union Bay…where nature lives in the city!
With the arrival of new eaglets in their Broadmoor nest, The 520 Eagles’ competition for territory and food will intensify. Their New Neighbors have taken away a portion of their historical territory. Will there be enough food for their young? More on:
Have a great day on Union Bay…where nature lives in the city!
There are two new, 2017 eaglets in the Broadmoor/520 nest. They are now nearly as large as these two eaglets from 2016. If you would like to see their progress you will want to visit:
Have a great day on Union Bay…where eaglets play in the city!
Have you ever wondered how it would feel to live in Broadmoor? What about living in a tree far above the daily concerns and activities of earth-bound humans? One thing is for sure there are pluses and minuses. Learn more on:
Have a great day on Union Bay…where eaglets are learning to rule!