Montlake Market and Beyond – WSDOT Needs to be Held Accountable
Now that Graham Contracting LTD. has been named the design-build contractor for the SR 520 Montlake Phase, WSDOT is one step closer of realizing their plans of demolishing the Montlake Market. Graham is a good contractor. Their resume is impressive, and they are more than qualified to do the Project. However, the way in which WSDOT is managing this process is under-utilizing Graham’s skills and limiting the potential to save the market.
Our communities have been ignored and misled on WSDOT’s plans for the market, despite our clear and passionate stance. And while Graham has the ability to produce clever ideas that we would like to review, it appears that the public will not be able to participate WSDOT’s upcoming “Practical Design Workshop” with Graham and the City of Seattle, where a final decision about the market will be made. If WSDOT is allowed to ignore our request to be an active participant, we will not have a say in how the final design impacts our community.
It appears our only play at this point is to get our state representatives, Jamie Pederson, Frank Chopp, and Nicole Macri to advocate for our position during this “Practical Design Workshop”. They are the only ones who will be able to make a difference. It is time to contact them in mass. Go to to write to them directly. If you have specific issues, contact information is below. We will never be part of the process if we sit quietly. We need to move quickly to get the legislators involved in time to have an effect. We have 60 days to make this work, maybe less.
We need everyone to step in and advocate for the Market, the gas station, critical design issues, and noise mitigation during this final review process. Our representatives need to know that our frustration is shared among the general public. They need to know that the communities they represent need their help.
The framework of this contract will set the tone for future projects: I-5, Roanoke Lid, and the Portage Bay Bridge. If we can’t get WSDOT to listen, our communities will continue to be sidelined for the next 10 years while WSDOT, SDOT, Graham and the other follow-on contractors are allowed to build whatever, whenever and however they want.
(360) 786-7628
(206) 381-1220
(360) 786-7826
We need to copy Kshama Sawant and staff so that they know that we are concerned. The Oversight Committee that she has proposed is an important process to help control the project.
Marsi says
Wonder if the Department of Ecology’s cleanup at Mont’s has been taken into consideration, not sure we know if their business will be interrupted during this time?