Welcome Oxbow!

Great looking, high-quality Montlake gear is on sale! All proceeds benefit the University District Food Bank.
Send orders to treasurer@montlake.net.
You will receive an email with your order confirmation and instructions for payment and pick up.
Thank you for your support!
Adult Sweatshirts:
Unisex Hooded Pullover S, M, L, XL Light Gray $20
Unisex Crew Pullover S, M, L, XL Light Gray $10
Women’s fitted Zip S, M, L, XL Navy $20
Adult T-shirts:
Unisex Long-Sleeved S, M, L, XL Dark Gray $10
(not pictured)
Unisex Short-Sleeved S, M, L, XL Dark Gray $10
Women’s Fitted Short Sleeved S, M, L, XL Navy $10
Children’s Sweatshirts:
Hooded Zip S, M, L Navy $10
Children’s T-shirts:
Long Sleeved S, M, L Navy $10
Mesh One size Navy $10
Cloth One size Navy $10
Boyer Children’s Clinic, a cornerstone of the Montlake community since 1942, is the Puget Sound’s premier provider of Early Intervention services for children birth to three with developmental delays and disabilities. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Boyer continues to accept referrals for therapies, including physical, occupational and speech. We are offering our full array of high-quality services – therapy, education, medical, and family support – via virtual visits (video conferencing and/or telephone).
Boyer’s Medical Director, Dr. Jennie McLaurin, is also available to provide developmental and behavioral screenings to determine whether your child would benefit from a referral for Early Intervention services. Dr. McLaurin is a designated “Center of Excellence” for autism spectrum diagnosis, meaning she has the unique expertise to screen for autism expeditiously.
If you have concerns about your child’s development, please contact us; we know that a child’s brain is 85% developed by age three, and Boyer is available now to provide evaluations and services. To make an appointment, please contact Boyer Children’s Clinic in either of the following ways:
• Call us and leave a voicemail at (206) 325-8477. We are checking messages consistently and will return your call shortly.
• Email info@boyercc.org and a staff member will be in touch.
Research shows that services provided through virtual visits are as successful as in-person services, and our families have confirmed that scheduling/participating in virtual visits are simple and beneficial for their children. Here is a short video that offers insight into the benefits of Boyer’s care through virtual visits: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbA68l-Db00&feature=youtu.be
Boyer remains committed to our mission of providing care to all who need us, regardless of financial circumstances. We are working tirelessly to reduce barriers to access, such as providing interpreters for all virtual visits, and providing tablets, internet access, and data when families need them. Please reach out to us at any time with questions or to schedule an appointment.
As you heard last week, in response to Gov. Inslee’s Stay Home, Stay Healthy order, the Washington State Department of Transportation suspended most of its construction projects statewide, including the SR 520 Montlake Project. We will look to restart our projects when the Governor’s Office and health officials determine it is safe to do so. We continue to wish you and your families good health during this time.
Thank you to the over 40 participants who joined us at our online monthly meeting in March. Next week, we’ll host another online meeting, with a short presentation led by Graham’s director of construction and a Q&A to follow. Please join us!
Date/time: April 8, presentation starts at noon. You’ll be sent confirmation and reminder emails as we approach the event.
Registration: http://bit.ly/sr520online
You can join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device. Access to the Internet will be required to view the presentation and your device speakers must be enabled.
The bronze entry gates to the Graham Visitors Center in the Arboretum were stolen. These large gates, which were kept in the open position as a decorative feature, were designed and built by famed artist George Tsutakawa in 1976. They were commissioned as memorial gates to all who cared about the Arboretum. Police have been notified, and it would be helpful if anyone can report any suspicious activity from the area on the night of March 17 or early morning of March 18th or can review any home videos cameras along Lake Washington Blvd or on surrounding streets. There are no video cameras allowed in Seattle’s public parks so there is no footage in the Arboretum. The gates are large enough they would have required a large truck or flatbed. Thieves also took the metal downspouts at the Graham Visitors Center in the Arboretum. Case number is 2020-197368. Officer Rebecca Miller responded. Scrap yards have been notified. Please spread the word. Picture of the gates can be found here: https://discover.stqry.com/v/madrona-leschi-madison-park/s/a54994f7-5787-42cc-98ef-5ff70b5bf90f
Do you ride the bus across Lake Washington on SR 520? Be prepared for upcoming changes. To address growing travel needs for the Eastside, King County Metro and Sound Transit will restructure bus service in the SR 520 corridor beginning March 21. Visit the King County Metro and Sound Transit websites for detailed information on route revisions to and from Kirkland, Kenmore, Bothell, Woodinville, and Redmond.
In preparation for this change, King County Metro, Sound Transit, and the Seattle Department of Transportation are finishing changes to the bus and rail stations at the Montlake Triangle, located just north of the Montlake Cut next to the University of Washington light rail station. Visit the Montlake Triangle Project website for more information on these improvements and project background.
Following the March service change, some riders will have new connections to Sound Transit Link light rail or buses. If you pay cash to ride a Metro bus, your paper transfer will not be accepted on Sound Transit services, and you will need to pay separately for that transfer portion of your trip. If you pay with an ORCA card, you’ll save money by paying only the difference between your two fares when you transfer. You can go to the Just One Trip website for a free ORCA card (available until April 21). If you have any questions, please reach out to our partners at King County Metro and Sound Transit.
Thank you to those who attended our Montlake Project’s first online monthly meeting last Wednesday. We appreciate your continued interest in the changes happening in the Montlake area and the great questions you submitted. If you missed the meeting, you can view the presentation online. Based on the level of participation and feedback received during the event, we’ll also hold our April and May monthly meetings online.
Register now to attend our online meeting at noon Wednesday, April 8. All you’ll need is an internet connection to join the Montlake Project team for a short presentation, followed by a Q&A session. The online meeting room will be available 10 minutes before the presentation starts to allow time to get acquainted with the platform.
Registration: http://bit.ly/sr520online
Cyclists and walkers – the new, temporary shared-use connection between the SR 520 Trail and Lake Washington Boulevard is now open. This bicycle and pedestrian path runs parallel to the temporary on-ramp from Lake Washington Boulevard to eastbound SR 520 and dips under SR 520 along the shore of Lake Washington.
With this separated path, cyclists and pedestrians can go under SR 520 instead of using Montlake Boulevard, connecting the Arboretum with the University of Washington and the east side of Lake Washington.
The temporary trail will be in place for the next few years of construction. At the end of the project, the temporary trail will be replaced by new connections and route options.
WSDOT is re-applying to the City of Seattle for a shoreline permit as part of the SR520 bridge replacement. South Portage Bay was once a pristine urban recreation area.
Join us in requiring WSDOT to honor conditions from the 2012 Shoreline Permit Decision, to provide environmental and recreation access in South Portage Bay, and walkability nearby. WSDOT now plans to reapply for the Shoreline Permit. Since 1962 water runoff from 520 has drained directly into Portage Bay resulting in silt build-up from vehicles that limits public access, and impacts habitat for 85 bird species, and beavers. We ask the City to ensure WSDOT compliance with requirements in the 2012 permit decision to mitigate the impacts of the bridge replacement in South Portage Bay.
Follow this link to sign the petition — https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BKMYYFW
We petition WSDOT to fund past commitments from the 2012 permit, for WSDOT/ SR520 project to create an improved urban waterfront public access experience, with habitat preservation and enhancements. These commitments were made during planning for the Portage Bay bridge replacement and were formulated in response to overwhelming community input and support.
WSDOT’s permit reapplication should include and fund past commitments:
If we don’t stand up for the environment and wildlife, who will? Please show your support by adding your name to this petition.
Follow this link to sign the petition