Click here for most up to date weather forecast SDOT’s Winter Weather Route Map National Weather Service OEM TrainingCalendar OEM Training Request FormKing County Metro Snow Guide Garbage Collection There may be some delays in residential garbage, recycling, food, and yard waste pickups due to winter weather. Click here for up to date details on garbage collection! Happy New Year! For those familiar with Lunar New Year, 2020 is the year of the Rat! A characteristic of the animal is strong adaptability to their environments! Here are 5 suggestions from the Office of Emergency Management that will encourage you to be more ADAPTABLE in the event of a disaster or emergency! 1. Attend a class preparedness class offered by OEM! (see below) 2. Get to know your neighbor! 3. Store water and food! 4. Sign up for Alert Seattle! (see below) 5. Have a shovel for potential snow! FEMA YOUTH PREPAREDNESS CAMP APPLICATIONS DUE JAN 19th! This July FEMA will bring 40 students to our six-day, five-night preparedness camp just outside Anchorage, Alaska. Students ages 14 to 17 in our Region 10 states of Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington are eligible to apply for the all-expense-paid camp.FEMA urges students who may be interested in taking advantage of this opportunity to check out the application information and requirements now at www.fema.gov/YouthPrep Don’t wait until it’s too late! Upcoming classes and fairs! The Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections (SDCI) is hosting the Seattle Home Fair in your community. There will be information for renters, homeowners, and landlords with experts on rental housing rules, coaching on obtaining permits for renovations, and breakout sessions on topics including landslide prevention, earthquake retrofits, and backyard cottages. North Seattle Home Fair – Jan 25 Click here to sign up! South Seattle Home Fair – Feb 1 Click here to sign up! Office of Emergency Management Classes Disaster Skills – February 4th, March 4th Stop the Bleed – February 4th, Feb 26th, March 5th, March 18th Click Here to sign up Youth Urban Survival Skills Fair Build lifelong skills at this fun and interactive event designed for kids – adults will learn, too! Ever put out a fire with a common household extinguisher? It’s not as easy as you think. Practice on our simulator. Could your kids identify a dangerous natural gas leak? Scratch-and-sniff stickers. Turn off the gas if needed? Practice on a real gas meter. Much more to experience! Kids can build and take home practical items like a “get home” bag for the caretakers in their lives or an emergency toilet. Why an emergency toilet? They will learn! Knowledge is power. Increase your child’s resiliency and get them excited about thinking ahead. Lifelong skills! Meadowbrook Community Center, 10517 35th Ave NE, Seattle WA 98125 – Feb 8th, 2:00-5:00 PM Find out more info here! HUB 101 Training Two identical sessions where you will learn the basics of hub operations, how a hub can be set up to aid in information sharing and what the different volunteers would do. We will also have time for hands-on practice. No registration needed, just show up! Beacon United Methodist Church, 7301 Beacon Ave S, Seattle 98108 – Feb 24, 6:30 – 8:30 PM.Beacon United Methodist Church, 7301 Beacon Ave S, Seattle 98108 – Feb 29, 10:00 am-noon. Media Spotlight If you missed the housing recovery seminar that the Office of Emergency Management hosted in August 2019, we now have it uploaded on our YouTube Channel! Watch Post Disaster Housing Recovery Seminar Seattle Public Utilities Winter Weather Information If Pipes Break or Freeze If a water pipe breaks, immediately close the main shut-off valve to stop flooding. The shut-off valve can be indoors or outdoors – usually in a basement, crawlspace or garage. If you cannot turn off the main shut-off valve, SPU customers can call (206) 386-1800 and a crew will turn off the water at the meter for a service charge. This phone number is staffed 24/7. Call a plumber to repair or replace the damaged section of the pipe as soon as possible. Click here to learn more about thawing frozen pipes |
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