Boyer Children’s Clinic, a cornerstone of the Montlake community since 1942, is the Puget Sound’s premier provider of Early Intervention services for children birth to three with developmental delays and disabilities. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Boyer continues to accept referrals for therapies, including physical, occupational and speech. We are offering our full array of high-quality services – therapy, education, medical, and family support – via virtual visits (video conferencing and/or telephone).
Boyer’s Medical Director, Dr. Jennie McLaurin, is also available to provide developmental and behavioral screenings to determine whether your child would benefit from a referral for Early Intervention services. Dr. McLaurin is a designated “Center of Excellence” for autism spectrum diagnosis, meaning she has the unique expertise to screen for autism expeditiously.
If you have concerns about your child’s development, please contact us; we know that a child’s brain is 85% developed by age three, and Boyer is available now to provide evaluations and services. To make an appointment, please contact Boyer Children’s Clinic in either of the following ways:
• Call us and leave a voicemail at (206) 325-8477. We are checking messages consistently and will return your call shortly.
• Email info@boyercc.org and a staff member will be in touch.
Research shows that services provided through virtual visits are as successful as in-person services, and our families have confirmed that scheduling/participating in virtual visits are simple and beneficial for their children. Here is a short video that offers insight into the benefits of Boyer’s care through virtual visits: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbA68l-Db00&feature=youtu.be
Boyer remains committed to our mission of providing care to all who need us, regardless of financial circumstances. We are working tirelessly to reduce barriers to access, such as providing interpreters for all virtual visits, and providing tablets, internet access, and data when families need them. Please reach out to us at any time with questions or to schedule an appointment.
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