As many of you may have heard, around 2am Monday, Glam and Tonics was broken into and burglarized. They took thousands of dollars worth of products at one of the busiest times of the year. Many neighbors have asked how they can help Juan. His answer is simple. Continue to book appointments and come in and shop! To kick start this, today Glam and Tonics are having a “Shop to support our shop Day”. So come by, say hi, and do some holiday shopping. Tell your friends and family, and share it on social media.
For those that might be new to our little neighborhood, Juan has been a steady and strong supporter of our community. He has served on the Montlake Community Club board, helped started the Montlake Turkey Trot (he even designed the current logo), donated time, products, and services to community and school fundraisers, and shown up to volunteer for many events. Let’s show him how much he means to us and support him during this difficult time!

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