South Portage Bay will be treated with aquatic herbicide on or between July 24th and 25th, and August 8th and 14th, 2019. Signs will be posted in the affected areas no more than 48 hours prior to treatment.

South Portage Bay will be treated with aquatic herbicide on or between July 24th and 25th, and August 8th and 14th, 2019. Signs will be posted in the affected areas no more than 48 hours prior to treatment.
In 2017, the city and the Washington State Department of Transportation developed the Montlake Neighborhood Traffic Management Plan. A process to request traffic calming measures is in place. To ask questions or to request traffic calming measures email Below are the investments being made this summer and fall as a result of community requests. A third request cycle will happen late 2019/early 2020.
The Montlake Family Co-op annual Fourth of July Montlake Parade is this week!
Date: Thursday, July 4th
Time: 10:00am
Location: Montlake Community Center
10:00 am – Come to the Montlake Community Center to decorate your bike, trike, stroller, or simply yourself!
10:30 am – Join the parade! We’ll march around the block!
11:00 am – Fire truck visit (pending no emergencies)
Immediately following the parade, join your neighbors for a popsicle and a pack-your-own picnic.
We still need volunteer support for the parade, specifically:
Please contact Jessica Atlakson at if you’re interested in volunteering.
We look forward to seeing you there!
From King County: Effective Friday night, June 21 at 11:59 PM, construction along SR 520 will require the permanent closure of the Montlake Freeway Station stops in both directions.
Affected bus routes are Metro routes 252, 255, 257, 268 and 311; Sound Transit Express routes 545 and 555, and all other agencies’ routes that have served the stops.
The bus stop northbound on Montlake Blvd E at E Shelby Street will be the closest alternate stop.
When the stops close, transit riders who need to transfer to or from other Eastside service will do so at other locations, such as Evergreen Point Station, Yarrow Point Station, the University of Washington Link light rail station or at other transfer points in Bellevue, Kirkland, Redmond, downtown Seattle or in the University District.
To minimize the impact, WSDOT and Sound Transit are partnering to add more evening and weekend trips on ST Route 542 to augment existing service.
Visit Metro’s online regional Puget Sound Trip Planner to plan your travel, and for bus stop, schedule and other information, including predicted times at stops. To check your SR 520 travel options in advance, use a travel date June 22 or later.S
Visit Metro’s Service Advisories page for information about revised bus service, routing and stops for planned events. Transit reroute start and end times may be subject to change.
Thank you for riding and for using Metro’s services.
On Saturday, June 15, Bike Works will host its largest ever Kids Bike-o-Rama bike giveaway event, giving 250 bicycles and helmets away to youth ages 4-8 from families with limited resources.
Bike Works hosts the Kids Bike-o-Rama onsite at their Columbia City offices twice yearly, in June and December. It is an event where youth ages 4-8 receive a refurbished bicycle and new helmet to keep, free of charge. Volunteers work for months refurbishing donated children’s bicycles to give away at the Kids Bike-o-Rama. Bike Works partners with youth-serving organizations in central and south Seattle to identify children in need of a working bike. This year’s partner organizations include Somali Task Force, Solid Ground, Rainier Vista Boys & Girls Club, Horn of Africa, Filipino Community Center, Seattle Housing Authority in Rainier Vista, New Holly, and High Point, SeaMar White Center, and more.
In 2018, Bike Works served 1,582 youth and 1,196 adults who together contributed 8,130 hours volunteering at their weekly drop-in bicycle repair sessions, teaching in their classrooms, and serving on their board of directors. They collected 6,993 used bikes for repair and refurbishment, diverting 244,755 pounds from the waste stream and returning thousands back to the road as earth-friendly, affordable, healthy means of transportation, recreation, and fun. Their youth participants cycled a cumulative 4,563 miles – the distance from Seattle to Los Angeles, four times!
Learn more at
You can purchase gear at a Pop-Up Shop at the Boyer Children’s Clinic on Tuesday, June 11th from 6:30 to 7:00 PM. The shop will be in the Boyer Clinic (1850 Boyer Ave E) – basement conference room. The entrance to the conference room is in the garage, entrance on E Howe Street.
From the Capitol Hill Seattle Blog. Posted on Thursday, June 6, 2019 – 7:00 am by Emily Piette, CHS Summer Intern 2019
The Montlake Market won’t stand in the way of progress to complete the replacement of SR 520. The state has agreed to acquire the property for $16 million as it prepares for the start of construction on the “Montlake Project” to create an improved Montlake Boulevard interchange, a landscaped lid over SR 520, a bicycle and pedestrian “land bridge” east of the lid, and a three-lane West Approach Bridge South over Union Bay for eastbound traffic.
Thursday night, WSDOT will hold a pre-construction open house hosted by the SR 520 project’s contractor from 5:30 to 7:30 PM at at St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church. The meeting will cover the latest project designs, construction schedule, and management plan for limiting construction effects in Montlake.
But the fate of the market destined to make way for the project became much more clear with the $16 million deal.
According to King County records, the property’s longtime owner, Lynne Parrott, a Clyde Hill resident and Bellevue developer Kemper Freeman, Jr.’s niece. The property has a taxable value of around $1.4 million. WSDOT had estimated preserving the market would add another $20 million to the construction costs around the project.
In May, WSDOT broke the news on the deal at a community meeting in the neighborhood:
Dave Becher, WSDOT’s Director of Construction for the SR 520 Program, informed meeting participants that WSDOT and the property’s owner recently agreed on a purchase price for the property, and WSDOT will take ownership in June. He also said WSDOT leadership determined it is not practicable to preserve the market during Montlake Project construction, and the building will be removed in early 2020.
No date has been announced for the market’s closure but WSDOT was slated to take possession of the property this month. The state is working to establish a location for a temporary market to operate during the 520 construction.
The Montlake Blvd Market, or Hop-In, lists an opening year of 1936.
Incompatible as a service station and market in the future layout of the reconfigured streets, the parcel had been planned to stage construction for the Montlake project and later phases of construction. Once the Montlake Project is completed, the legislature has now directed WSDOT to sell the market and gas station property immediately – “approximately six years earlier than planned,” WSDOT says.
The state will also oversee the process of decontaminating the soil beneath the longtime service station.
“Keeping the market was not feasible, but we did not make the decision in a vacuum. We talked to legislators about Montlake Market, they drafted the proviso of what we could do for the community, and we readily agreed,” said Steve Peer, the project’s media and construction communications manager. Peer added the project “threads the needle through the highly urban environment of the Montlake neighborhood, and the Montlake Market has been there for decades.”
The $455.3 million project to create an improved Montlake Boulevard interchange, a landscaped lid over SR 520, a bicycle and pedestrian “land bridge” east of the lid, and a three-lane West Approach Bridge South over Union Bay for eastbound traffic is now set to begin construction that is likely to last into 2024.
You can learn more about Thursday’s meeting and the project here.
The design-build contractor for the SR 520 Montlake Project, Graham, is preparing to begin construction. Before crews break ground, Graham will host an open house next Thursday, June 6, to give project neighbors and corridor travelers the opportunity to meet the design and construction team, see the latest project renderings, review the preliminary construction schedule and learn how to review and comment on the Community Construction Management Plan (more information on this is available below!).
The SR 520 Montlake Project is the first of four remaining projects in the SR 520 Bridge Replacement and HOV Program. We call these four, collectively, the “Rest of the West.” The Montlake Project includes a new Montlake interchange, a landscaped lid over SR 520, a bicycle/pedestrian bridge connecting East Montlake Park to the Arboretum, and a new West Approach Bridge South for eastbound traffic.
For those unable to attend in person, the information presented at the open house will also be available in an online open house. We’ll provide details soon about the online event.
In-person open house details:
Date/time: Thursday, June 6, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Location: St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church, 2100 Boyer Ave. E., Seattle, WA 98112
Transit: Bus routes 43, 48, 255, 311 and 545 serve the Montlake/SR 520 area. The U District Link light rail station at Husky Stadium is about one mile from St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church.
Parking: Limited free parking is available on site.
The design-build contractor for the Montlake Project, Graham Contracting, has developed a draft Community Construction Management Plan (CCMP) to identify best measures and practices to reduce impacts from SR 520 Montlake Project work on historic properties, neighbors, and travelers on the SR 520 corridor. You may review the draft CCMP online. After reviewing, please take this survey to let Graham know your thoughts on the procedures proposed to avoid, minimize, and mitigate the effects of construction. Copies of the document will also be available at the June 6 open house, and this will be a topic of discussion at the June 10th quarterly meeting. Please provide any comments on the draft CCMP no later than June 20th, 2019.
Here is your opportunity to do a small part to help with the housing/homeless crisis Seattle is facing. The Montlake Community Club is building two ‘tiny houses’ for our homeless neighbors in fall 2019. We are looking for adult help building and really need donations to help purchase the kits. Any donation will help – please visit the GoFundMe link below. Thank you.
Gofundme link –
Sign up genius –