How do hunting styles vary among raptors? More on:
Have a great day on Union Bay…where nature lives in the city and Black Birders are welcome!
How do hunting styles vary among raptors? More on:
Have a great day on Union Bay…where nature lives in the city and Black Birders are welcome!
One of the challenges when we see an eagle overhead is trying to understand the who, what, and where is it going. This week’s post tries to take some of the mystery out of our eagle sightings. Find out more on:
Have a great day on Union Bay…where nature lives in the city and Black Birders are welcome!
Have you ever wonder how Bald Eagles can survive when they spend so much time sitting around? More on:
Have a great day on Union Bay…where nature lives in the city and Black Birders are welcome!
Is having too much entertainment distracting Tsuloss from learning to fly? Read the story and see what you think at:
Have a great day on Union Bay…where nature lives in the city and Black Birders are welcome!
Is this Monty or Marsha? What is the status on their eaglet? Which one of the three get to eat this fish? Answers in this week’s post on:
Have a great day on Union Bay…where nature lives in the city!
Have you been looking for new eaglets in Monty and Marsha’s nest above Montlake Cut? There is encouraging news in this week’s post on:
Have a healthy day on Union Bay…where nature lives in the city!
I am certainly thankful that our local Bald Eagles can find adequate food on Union Bay and Montlake Cut. Read this post to find out if Monty and Marsha are beginning to rebuild there nest (again) for next Spring’s eggs. Visit:
Have a great day on Union Bay...where nature lives in the City!
This week’s post covers the next steps in Cutter’s return to his parents, Monty and Marsha, our local Montlake Cut Bald Eagle pair.
Also, in this post, Friends of Arboretum Creek asks for your help in inspiring the King County Council to proceed with a design grant to restore Arboretum Creek. After you read the details, please take a few moments to help make a big difference!
Have a great day on Union Bay...where nature lives in the city!
The Council Member’s Email Addresses are:
On the other hand, we earth-bound creatures must peer through the leaves and the shadows and take our best guess concerning the number of eaglets in the nest. (Luckily, it is a short walk to Montlake Cut.) Learn more in this week’s post on:
Have a great day on Union Bay…where nature lives in the city!
This week’s post contrasts the early-season nesting behavior of our local Great Blue Herons with our Bald Eagles. Hopefully, my photos and descriptions help to shed some light on these somewhat obscure avian activities. These were first time observations for me. More at:
Have a great day on Union Bay...where nature lives in the city!