Wednesday, September 10, 2014 was the beginning date of the contract between the Washington State Dept. of Transportation (WSDOT) and the Flat Iron Construction Co. This is the firm that won the contract and will build the next phase of the SR-520 replacement bridge. The scope of this project includes the West Approach Bridge-North (WABN) called “wahban”, from the pontoons to Montlake Blvd. Completion of this phase is expected in 2017.
During the next 6 months the activities you will see around our neighborhood will be preparation for building WABN. This will include:
- Installing construction fencing around the work areas and removing trees and other vegetation;
- Demolition and removal of the MOHAI building and closure of the museum parking lot;
- Removal of the “ramps to nowhere” which will require some weekend closures of 520;
- Developing a staging area adjacent to Foster Island;
- Widening the sidewalks on Montlake Blvd.
During the construction there will be regular public meetings with representatives from the construction co. and WSDOT staff. They will inform residents of construction activities and allow residents to ask questions and bring up any problems. The first meeting will be held in early October and will be posted on the Montlake community calendar. 9/29 Update: The meeting has been scheduled for October 2, 2014, 5 – 7pm -Montlake Community Center.
To keep up on WABN news you can checkout the WSDOT website: and you can e-mail project staff at: There is a construction hot like at: 206-708-4657.